저술 Books & Chapters


저술 Books/Chapters


2014.11 Jae-Seon Yi, Yong-Eui Choi, Yu-Hua Li. Breeding and Production of Forest Plants for Non-Wood Use, Northeast Forestry University Press, Harbin, China. pp. 1-254.


2014,06 이재선, 최용의. 5장 숲과 나무의 유전적 개량, (이경준 저자대표), 산림과학개론, 향문사, pp. 106-126.

Jae-Seon Yi, Yong-Eui Choi. Chapter 5 Genetic improvement of forest and tree. In: Kyung Joon Lee (Ed.), Introduction to Forest Science, Hyangmoon Publishing Co., Seoul, Republic of Korea. pp. 106-126.


2012,08 이재선. 2장 잣나무림의 생태, 경제수종3 잣나무, 국립산림과학원, pp. 7-14. Jae-Seon Yi. Chapter 2 Ecology of Korean white pine forest. In: Korean white pine (Pinus koraiensis), Economic forest tree 3, National Institute of Forest Science.   pp. 7-14.


2007,02 Jae-Seon Yi (Ed.). Korean White Pine (Pinus koraiensis) II. The Society for Korean White Pine. pp. 1-112.


2005,02 Jae-Seon Yi (Ed.). Korean White Pine (Pinus koraiensis) I. The Society for Korean White Pine. pp. 1-150.


1994,05 이재선. 5장 임목육종, (윤종화 편집), 임학개론, 강원대학교 출판부, pp. 159-179.

Jae-Seon Yi. Chapter 5 Forest tree breeding. In: Jong-Wha Youn (Ed.), Introduction to Forestry, Kangwon Nat'l Universi -ty Press, pp. 159-179.


1985 이재선, 임경빈 외. 조림학 원론. 향문사. pp. 1-491.

Jae-Seon Yi, Kyoung-Bin Yim, and et al. Principles of Silviculture. Hyangmoon Publishing Co., Seoul, Republic of Korea. pp. 1-491.