연구주제 Research Topics


이재선 교수의 주요 연구주제 (강원대학교 명예교수/중국 동북임업대학교 초빙교수)

Current Topics of Jae-Seon Yi, Emeritus Professor of the College of Forest & Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University, Korea (south) and Guest Professor of Northeast Forestry University, China


1. 잣나무 Korean white pine (Pinus koraiensis)-> The Society for Korean White Pine

1) 수형조절 Crown control (4 types): 변칙주간형 Modified leader type, 배형 Vase form, 개심자연형 Open-center-natural form, 와형 Prostrate form

2) 조기결실 및/또는 다산성 계통 육성 Selection of early-fruiting family and/or highly-productive family

3) 교잡종 육성 Hybridization with other nut-producing pines (P. gerardiana (Chilgoza pine- 인디아 북부), P. maximartinezii (big pi -nyon pine- 멕시코 Pueblo Viejo in southern Zacatecas), P. cembroides, P. coulter, or P. sabiniana, etc.


2. 희귀식물의 보전 Conservation of rare plants 

1) 유전자/유전자형 다양성 조사 Genetic diversity

2) 유용성분 분석 Components analysis

3) 번식 Propagation

4) 초저온 저장 Cryopreservation

5) 상품화 Commercialization

6) 희귀/멸종위기 식물원 조성 Botanical garden

산림청 희귀식물- 571(산양삼 Panax ginseng, 홍더덕 Red variety of Codonopsis lanceolata, 개느삼 Echinosophora koreensis, 동강할미꽃 Pulsatilla tongkangensis, 겨우살이류 Mistletoes- Korthasella, Loranthus, Taxillus, and Viscum)

도입종 무고소나무 Mugo pine (Pinus mugo Turra)


3. 산림에너지/토양정화 식물 Bioenergy trees and phytoremediation         

​1) 갯버들 rose-gold pussy willow (Salix gracilistyla)  

2) 호랑버들 goat willow or pussy willow (Salix caprea)

3) 신나무 Amur maple (Acer ginnala)

4) 문관나무(기름밤나무) yellowhorn or Chinese flowering chestnut (Xanthoceras sorbifolium)

5) 루브라참나무 northern red oak or champion oak (Quercus rubra)