2015.08 옥조근정훈장 (대통령)
2006.10 일본해안림학회 학술상 (학회장)
2005.12 농림기술개발 표창장 (농림부장관)
2000.12 강원대학교 최고 경영자상 (강원대학교 총장)
1990.02 한국임학회 학술상 (학회장)
Aug., 2015 Aquamarine Stripes from the President of the Republic of Korea
Oct., 2006 The Best Article Award from the President of Japanese Society of Coastal Forest
Dec., 2005 The Citation for New Technology Development from the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry
Dec., 2000 The Best Managerial Award from the President of Kangwon Nat'l Univ.
Feb., 1990 The Best Article Award from the President of Korean Forest Society